
发布日期:2025-01-03 17:09    点击次数:155

【寄语】码头用英语怎么说_码头的单词是什么为好范文网的会员投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。码头的英语说法1.wharf2.dock3.pier码头的词语辨析port, seaport, harbour, pier, wharf这组词都有“港,港口,码头”的意思,其区别是:port 多指人工港口,还可指有港口的市。seaport 指港埠。harbour 一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。pier 专指与海岸成直角形而突出的码头,可供旅客,货物上下船或供人散步用。wharf 指船只停泊装卸货物的码头。码头的英语例句1. At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river.在多塞特码头向左返回河道。2. A large group had gathered on the quayside to see them off.一大群人聚集在码头上,为他们送别。3. Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。4. Lili and my father met me off the boat.莉莉和我父亲在码头迎接我。5. Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。6. The Act was introduced to end restrictive practices in the docks.这项法案的推出是为了终止码头的限制竞争现象。7. On September 18 the dockers again came out on strike.9月18日,码头工人再次举行罢工。8. The ship was moored broadside to the pier.这艘船横泊在码头旁。9. In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine.码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。10. We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked.我们站在突码头上目送他们登船。11. A crowd was waiting on the quay.有一群人在码头上等着。12. There are all kinds of ships in a quay.码头停泊各式各样的船.13. He was born in squalor next to London's docks.他出生在伦敦码头附近肮脏的地区.14. The motorboat put on speed as soon as it left the pier.汽船一离开码头就加快了速度.15. Some claimed that the docker's union fronted for the smuggling ring.某些人声称码头工人工会是走私集团的掩护所.码头英语单词wharf的英语例句1. When they got out of the rickshaws at the wharf, Fang and Miss Pao lingered behind.到码头下车, 方鸿渐和鲍小姐落在后面.2. We fetch up at the wharf exactly on time.我们准时到达码头.3. The ship lies alongside the wharf.那艘船停靠在码头边.4. Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space.金丝雀码头计划要提供1,000万平方英尺的办公面积。5. They'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father's boat.他们已经开车沿码头走了一遍,好让她指出哪艘是她父亲的船。6. We reached the wharf gasping for breath.我们气喘吁吁地抵达了码头。7. The boat floated into the wharf to which it belonged.船驶入它所隶属的码头.8. The pillars of the wharf are still sticking up in the water.码头的桩子仍在水中竖立着.9. We walked her to the wharf and put her aboard the ship.我们陪她走到码头,将她安顿到船上.10. The boat thumped against the wharf.小船砰地撞到码头.11. He tooled me down to the wharf.他开车把我送到码头.12. They are waiting for us on the wharf.他们正在码头上等着我们.13. The ship was nearing the wharf.船正靠近码头.14. Huck was already upon his watch when the ferry - boat's lights went glinting past the wharf.渡船的灯光一摇一闪从码头边经过时,哈克已经开始守夜了.15. At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river.在多塞特码头向左返回河道。你也可以在好范文网搜索更多本站小编为你整理的其他码头用英语怎么说_码头的单词是什么范文。